Friday 2 March 2012

Its My Shout, BBC Wales, Edna's Bench. 

During the summer of 2010 I was a costume trainee for a BBC Wales short film, Edna's Bench. 
My role involved reading through the script, creating a costume breakdown, sourcing and buying costumes for the actors/actresses, fitting the costumes and finally dressing and continuity during the filming. 
The film was shown on BBC One Wales and nominated for a welsh Bafta.

It was a story about an elderly man, George, who puts up a bench in memory of his lately deceased wife Edna, only to find that someone has vandalised it by scratching a name into it.
The couple below, Dylan and Mared, break up for from school for the holidays very much in love but when they are seen later in the film he is sultry and withdrawn. 

Above is Jade and Adam who are friends with Dylan and Mared. 

During many conversations through the film we find out that it was Dylan who carved the name into the bench. His sisters name who passed away during the summer holidays. 

Within my role as Costume Trainee we had to dress all the actors depending on which scenes they were in.
As it was the last days of school they had writing on their shirts which we had to do on set. Each day we did continuity so that in each scene the costumes were the same which did prove rather tricky when battling school ties and wet weather !!! 

... And That's a Wrap! 

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